Saturday, 2 March 2013

Past Perfect Tense

Posted by Unknown On 01:25 1 comment

Tenses bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kejadian yang telah selesai dilakukan sebelum perbuatan lain dilakukan di masa lampau.

a. Pola Baku
I/You/We/They + Had + Past Participle
He/She/it + Had + Past Participle
1. Positive Sentence atau Kalimat Positif
S + Had + V-3 + O/Adv
Contohnya :
* I had played tennis last night.
* He had spoken Spain in the class.

2. Negative Sentence atau Kalimat Negatif
S + Had + Not + V-3 + O/Adv
Contohnya :
* I had not (hadn’t) played tennis last night.
* He hadn’t spoken Spain in the class.

3. Interrogative Sentence atau Kalimat Pertanyaan
Had + S + V-3 + O/Adv
Had + S + Not + V-3 + O/Adv
Contohnya :
* Had I Played tennis last night?
* Had not (hadn’t) he spoken Spain in the class?

b. Penggunaan
1. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah selesai dilakukan di masa lampau.
Contohnya :
* I had gone to the market with my friend.
* My sister had gone to the school.

2. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah terjadi sebelum saat tertentu di masa lalu.
Contohnya :
* My sister had gone to the market before she had gone to the school.
* I had learnt English before gone to school.

3. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah selesai dikerjakan atau dilakukan sebelum peristiwa lain terjadi.
Contohnya :
* Sandi had fallen from motor cycle before Dika help her.

4. Untuk menyatakan suatu berita yang tidak diketahui secara langsung.
Contohnya :
* Dheni said that his mother had eaten rice.

c. Ciri-ciri Khusus
1. Predikat kalimat dalam bentuk past perfect tense kerap kali berupa Had + past participle
Contohnya :
* The bus had come before we left.
* Deka has played the guitar.

2. Keterangan waktu yang kerap digunakan dalam pola atau bentuk tenses ini adalah :
after : setelah
before : sebelum
just : baru saja
two months ago : dua hari yang lalu
as soon as : secepatnya

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This is really declarative and well explained lesson. Thanks for sharing such a nice post about The Past Perfect Tense.

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