Saturday, 2 March 2013

Past Continuous Tense

Posted by Unknown On 01:19 1 comment

Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau.

a. Pola Baku
I/He/She/It + To Be (was) + Present Participle
You/They/We + To Be (were) + Present Participle

1. Positive Sentence atau Kalimat Positif
S + To Be (was,were) + V-ing + O/Adv
Contohnya :
* I was eating.
* They were swimming.

2. Negative Sentence atau Kalimat Negatif
S + To Be (was,were) + Not + V-ing + O/Adv
Contohnya :
* I was not (wasn’t) eating.
* They were not (weren”t) swimming.

3. Interrogative Sentence atau Kalimat Pertanyaan
To Be (was,were) + S + V-ing + O/Adv?
To Be (was,were) + Not + S + V-ing + O/Adv?
Contohnya :
* Was I playing football last night?
* Weren’t they swimming yesterday?

b. Penggunaan
1. Untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung di waktu lampau saat peristiwa lain terjadi.
Contohnya :
* I was watching the television when Dhani came.
* When we were crossing the street yesterday, we saw an accident.

2. Untuk menyatakan dua peristiwa yang terjadi secara bersamaan di waktu yang lampau.
Contohnya :
* As I was learning English, my sister was cooking in the kitchen.
* Didik was reading the newspaper while I was listening music.

3. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang terjadi secara bertahap.
Contohnya :
* The sun was going down in the west.
* He was growing up.

c. Ciri-ciri Khusus

1. Predikat kalimat dalam bentuk past continuous tenses ini selalu dari were atau was + Present Participle.
Contohnya :
* I was buying the magazine.
* They were playing the football.

2. Tanda waktu yang sering digunakan dalam bentuk ini antara lain :
All day yesterday : sepanjang hari kemarin
As : sewaktu
When : ketika
While : selagi
Whole day last week : sepanjang hari minggu kemarin

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Wow very nice and informative post about Past Continuous Tense. I needed some clarification about Tenses. Thank you.

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