Sunday, 17 March 2013


Posted by Unknown On 03:29 No comments

A contraction is a shortened version of the written and spoken forms of a word, syllable, or word group, created by omission of internal letters.In traditional grammar, contraction can denote the formation of a new word from one word or a group of words, for example, by elision. This often occurs in rendering a common sequence of words or, as in French, in maintaining a flowing sound.

In strict analysis, contractions should not be confused with abbreviations or acronyms (including initialisms), with which they share some semantic and phonetic functions, though all three are connoted by the term "abbreviation" in loose parlance.Contraction is also distinguished from clipping, where beginnings and endings are omitted.

I                  +  am =  I’m       (a) I’m a student
When people speak, they often push two words together. A contractions = two words that are pushed together

Contractions of a subject pronoun + be are used in both speaking and writing

PUNCTUATION = The mark in the middle of contractions is called an “apostrophe” (‘)

She             +  is   =  she’s   (b) She’s a student
He               +  is   =  he’s     (c) He’s a student
It                  +  is  =   it’s       (d) It’s a city

You             + are = you’re   (e) You’re a student
                                                   You’re students
We              + are = we’re     (f) We’re students
They           + are = they’re   (g) They’re students

NOTE: Write an apostrophe above the line. Do not write an apostrophe on the line

Correct           :       I’m a student    .
Incorrect         :       I,m a student    .

EXERCISE : Complete the sentences. Use CONTRACTIONS (pronoun + be)

  1. Sara  is a student.               She’s              in my class.
  2. Jim is a student. ____________________ in my class.
  3. I have one borther. ____________________ twenty years old.
  4. I have two sisters. ____________________ students.
  5. I have a dictionary. ____________________ on my desk.
  6. I like my classmates. ____________________ friendly.
  7. I have three books. ____________________ on my desk.
  8. My brother is twenty-six years old. ____________________ married.
  9. My sister is twenty-one years old. ____________________ single.
  10. Yoko and Ali are students. ____________________ in my class.
  11. I like my books. ____________________ interesting.
  12. I like grammar. ____________________ easy.
  13. Kate and I live in an apartment. ____________________ roommates.
  14. We live in an apartment. ____________________ on Pine Street.
  15. I go to school. ____________________ a student.
  16. I know you. ____________________ in my English class

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